Sunday, January 15, 2017

President-Elect Trump Responds To CIA Chief Brennan's Warnings And Criticisms

Washington Examiner: Trump rips CIA Director Brennan, suggests he may have leaked dossier

President-elect Trump slammed outgoing Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan, saying he did a poor job as the leader of the agency and suggesting he may have leaked the unverified dossier linking Trump to Russian intelligence.

Trump quoted a headline from Fox News' interview with Brennan earlier on Sunday when Brennan ripped Trump for "talking and tweeting" and questioning intelligence reports. Brennan said Trump is underestimating the Russians.

Trump said he couldn't do a worse job than Brennan regarding the Russians.

Read more ....

Previous Post: Outgoing CIA Director Blasts President-Elect Trump For Nazi Comparison

Update: Trump Responds To CIA Chief Brennan, Asks "Was He The Leaker Of Fake News?" (Zero Hedge).

WNU Editor: When I saw CIA Director John Brennan on FOX this morning .... I said to myself that with only a week left in his term, John Brennan wants to go on TV and unload on President-elect Trump. He did not disappoint. There is clearly a "war" between the President-elect Trump and the U.S. intel community .... and it is heating up. A prediction .... there is going to be a purge of the U.S. intel community in the coming months .... and it is definitely going to impact national security.


C-Low said...

Buckle up butter cup there is going to be a purge across the board of all gov orgs, top down. Those not fired will be retired, many not to be replaced. Budgets will not be cut but slashed whole gov orgs will be put up for elimination or consolidation. The gnashing of teeth and tearing of cloth will be across the land.

O militarized the federal gov into a weapon to target his opponents like the statist he is. Before and besides that the gov is a massive corrupt living for all those involved both sides of the isle. Trump is the first true American pres that is not a professional politician so the American part will target O's making the gov a weapon to beat opponents with and the non-politician part will gut the waste, redundancy, pure graft/corruption. Personally I am going to love it been praying for such and Trump is the closest if he follows through I have ever seen. We will see.

Anonymous said...

Gut it. Get rid of the redundancies and wasted $$. Bureaucracies are never innovative, and government civilians are never creative. They exisit for stability...and assuring job security.

James said...

The "Intel Community" is slowly starting to realize, that by their handling of the "Trump Dossier", have more than likely signed their own metaphysical death warrant. The battle as it is, is between political appointees and Trump (with the notable exception of Comey). The political appointees have received zero support in all of this by their own lower echelon professionals. It is of interest that almost all of the published statements have been joint ventures with the Dept. of Homeland Security, which in almost every case have shown themselves to be the lead agency in the drafting of the statements. This leads to Jeh Johnson.
It is hard to imagine a more effective way to destroy your own credibility, the credibility (and effectiveness) of the press, and any pretense of political objectivity than the handling and issue of this "document".
Those that handled, issued, and were foolish enough to support this thing will long rue it.

Anonymous said...

Seems to be lots of opinions by Trump supporters with no basis in facts. Other than indications Trump will change top level Intel management, there is little to show what President Trump will do with his Intel agencies. They have a life of their own in many aspects. Funding is their biggest vulnerability. Trump will find that even Tea Party aligned Congressmen will be reluctant to weaken the Intel agencies by funding strangulation and/or wholesale replacement of mid-level security managers. And replacing them with inexperienced rookies that both our adversaries and friendlies would eat alive. Lack of intel encourages serious mistakes. Combined with a tendency to Tweet first and think later, I speculate the unpredictability factor raises exponentially.