Saturday, December 12, 2015

Will The San Bernardino Shooter Get An Islamic Funeral?

New York Post: Terrorist bride might get an un-Islamic burial

The mysterious jihadi bride who helped her husband kill 14 and wound 21 in last week’s terror attack in San Bernardino could get the unceremonious – and un-Islamic – funeral she deserves, as no Muslim leaders want anything to do with her, has learned.

The bullet-riddled body of Tashfeen Malik is still at the San Bernardino County morgue, along with that of her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook. But while his remains are expected to soon be released to his family, community and mosque leaders are treating her corpse like a hot potato.

WNU Editor: Someone will step up .... they always do .... but it would send a poignant message if no one does.

Update: The "cartoon" below does make a point ....


Unknown said...

People have been refused burial in church graveyards.

Muslims believe that some people won't be saved in this world or the next but will be forever burn in a lake of fire.

Do Muslims believe these people will repent (in the next world) or that what they did was Islamic?

Anonymous said...

My full message didn't get posted for some reason....

Anyway, please watch this short video,

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Perfect post for Saturday morning.
There is some commentators that I really enjoy their comments although we disagree on some subjects, perhaps religion is the one that have been The most frequently .
When I was a little boy my dad used to tell me you never talk about religion or politics on the dinner table or in this case this blog that I enjoy so much.
An old saying says. Even if I disagree with you I will fight to the defend you're right to disagree with me.
In the US it's called the First Amendment.

The United States of America is at war with terrorism NOT with the religion of Islam.
Unfortunately terrorists groups hide behind their lines.
There for pressure has to be put among Muslims that do not want to be identify with radical islamists to come for .
for example this woman do not deserve the Muslim funeral. Catholics excommunicate people from their faith , maybe is time for Islam to do something like that.
The father of San Bernardino killer knew his son was putting together a terrorist attack ,then do nothing about it.
Speak out ,remember if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.freedom is not free.

Anonymous said...

Ah Salim, I see you are back posting on this site as an anon...

Unknown said...

What!?? How did you know! Lol.
I thought no one would find out.

Sorry I didn't stick to my promise, couldnt help it, so many things out there too bothersome to ignore.

Oh, and is this James or the editor?

Unknown said...

But we Muslims openly condemn terrorism and do a lot of other things against terrorism as well but the problem is that no media likes to publicise the things we do. So everyone thinks that we'r not doing anything at all. For example in my local mosque that I go to, the imam there does talks and lectured against daesh (isis) etc and teaches what real Islam is all about.

And some others want us to "apologise", and it makes me laugh, we will never ever apologise for what these terrorist are doing.

James said...

It's neither or WNU, it's one of the anons who is a pretty astute commentator. You make some pretty good points, but I'll tell you this; You guys are losing the message war with these bad boys on who represents Islam and how it's represented and it's something you guys need to think long and hard about.
All I'll say about those who demand an apology from you guys is that they are stupid. Anyway it's nice to see you're still around. You take care, you know how those other guys feel about what they call apostates and they mean what they say. I'm still around just very busy.

phill said...


How's the weather in the UK treating you.

Unknown said...

It's good to see you around as well James.

Unknown said...

Hi Phill
No flood around my area so cant really complain. How did u know I was from UK

Jay Farquharson said...


It's pretty hard to "win" the messaging war when the Media is rigged:

"The imposition of this sort of collective responsibility — telling Muslims, as CNN anchors did after the Paris attacks, that they are all legitimately regarded with suspicion when individual Muslims engage in violence — is unthinkable for almost any other group. Indeed, it’s the defining hallmark of bigotry: imputing the bad acts of individuals to all members of a group or to the group itself. But it’s commonplace when it comes to discussions of Muslims."

And as usual, Marcie Wheeler has the must read dissection of Obama's "speech",

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Jay Farquharson
How do you see the rise of the right in France .like Marine le pen and her niece .

Jay Farquharson said...


There has always been a Far Right in France, like many other countries, since WWI.

Their prospects rise and fall with the economy's effects on the lower Middle Classes and a portion of the "Working Class", and their success in using the Dolchstoßlegende, to blame Immigrants and "Foreigners"'for the effects of the Corporations and 1%ers economic policies.

For most of the World, there has been no "recovery" from the 2008 Recession, out side of the Stock Markets, Trading Houses and Banks. There is a lot of fear and anger to tap into, as in previous recessions.

Might want to read this on how deeply these beliefs embed,

phill said...


We had some heated discussions in the past over a year ago. Welcome back, hope you can contribute.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

I have read the article and it miss lead maybe confuses the different between Stockholm Syndrome Whit neo nationalism . France has been a socialist state since the revolution ,is not the same neo nationalism mentality that Napoleon used to kill 600 thousand man on their adventure to invade Russia 150 year before ww1?.
What about China don't they have Stockholm syndrome too and we just choose to call it neo nationalism mentality .

Jay Farquharson said...


Napoleon tapped into the fervour of Replublicanism, ( a representative form of Government) and Nationalism to be able to release hundred thousand man armies, free to range with out fear of desertion against the small "professional" armies of the feudal Monarchies. Napoleon basically gave every voting age make a gun, and set them against enemies who's populations were not allowed to vote.

When Napoleon set himself up a Emperor, he of course lost the recruiting/motivational power of Republicanism, but still had the entrenched powers of State and Nationalism to fall back on, but by then, his key enemies, ( Spain, Russia, Prussia, The Austro-Hungarian Empire) had figured out how to tap into the mobilizing power of Nationalism, with out having to make too many concessions towards Democracy.

Under Napoleon III, France embraced a mix of limited Republicanism, Nationalism and Colonialism, ( Conquest and Exploitism under the guise of the White Man's Burden),

After Napoleon III, Nationalism, Colonialism and Republicanism dominated, with the internal shism being between Liberalism, and Conservatism. This balance was broken by the horrors and after effects of WWI, which saw Bolshivism, Anarchism, Socialism, Facism and even Monarchism arise as challengers to the status quo.

Every nation after WWI, in the '20's and '30's had " homegrown" Facist Parties. In France, after 1940 they became prominent in the Vichy Government. In Canada, once we went to war in '39, the most dangerous members were detained, but the lists of the CNP membership, was destroyed by Government Order, as there were too many prominent Industrialists and Public Figures, who were Nazi's. In exchange for anonaminity, they agreed not to impede the War Effort.

After WWII, they came back under the new guise of Birchers, Anti-Unionists, anti-Communists, anti-Socialists, until, by the late 1970's, they were well entrenched enough again, to have various offshoots, raise the Swastika's again and fund and promote Holocaust Denialism and Revisionist History. Their influence in Government in the late 60's and '70's was such that they managed to bring in members of the UNA-UNO, set them up in training camps and fund terrorism in the West against the Soviet and Cuban Goverments, with many innocent Canadian and American dead.

In the U.S. Project Paperclip and other programs to bring in high level Nazi's, along with the " untended" strains of Facism, inudi g the U.S. Nazi Party, had deep and lasting impacts on US Politcs, Science and the Military.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Thanks for the very useful information,.

War News Updates Editor said...

Good to see you posting Salim Ahmed. I did not know it was you. I have a reader in Cairo who is an Islamic scholar and who has been corresponding with me for the past year on the current state of conflict within Islam. I have always encouraged him to comment, he said he would (and he has) but under "anonymous" .... that is why I thought that it was him. But that is the problem .... one cannot win in the battle of ideas if you remain anonymous. The West focuses on how the internal battles within Islam is impacting us and how it is treating minorities in the Middle East, but in terms of numbers .... the real casualties are amongst the Muslims themselves. Unfortunately .... civil discourse is becoming next to impossible in many parts of the Middle East, and Muslims in the West are not being vocal enough to say "enough is enough".

As to this blog .... always feel free to comment. But have a thick skin .... the readers of this blog are very opinionated, and they want facts and info to back up your comments. If not .... they will chew you out. (as I have experienced more than once over the years). But that is how you grow as an individual .... which is the ultimate gift that God has given to all of us.