Monday, November 16, 2015

After The Paris Attacks Will President Obama Deploy Ground Troops Against The Islamic State?

New York Times: Supporting France, Obama Loath to Add Troops to ISIS Fight

ANTALYA, Turkey — For President Obama, the short-term response to the terrorist attacks in Paris was straightforward and relatively easy: The American military and intelligence agencies provided information to help French warplanes bomb Islamic State targets on Sunday in the group’s stronghold in northern Syria.

Determining the long-term response, however, may be exponentially harder. Even as Mr. Obama searched for ways to step up the war against the terrorist group, which has expanded its operations beyond its territory in Iraq and Syria, senior White House officials on Sunday again ruled out the introduction of substantial numbers of American ground troops.

The French airstrikes may have been a potent show of defiance, but it was not clear that they represented a major shift in the American coalition’s overall strategy.

WNU Editor: All the military analysts (including General Jack Keane (Ret.) in the above video) are saying the same thing ..... that ground forces must be deployed. But this is a political decision, and President Obama has made it very clear repeatedly that "U.S. boots on the ground" will not be deployed in Syria for a prolonged war.


RRH said...

They can deploy all the ground forces on the planet and hill won't mean a damned thing if the roots stretching back to Saudi Arabia (among others) are not pulled. Otherwise, all this posturing is nothing but a transparent dodge to deflect attention away from the real actors and interests at play. A lot of work is being done to make sure questions are not asked and issues are not raised on a very fundamental level.

Putin did hint a bit about it in Turkey but a lot more needs to be done. This will include indictment of officials in every country involved.

James said...

Will never happen.