Saturday, September 12, 2015

Russia Draws A Line In The Sand Over Syria

AFP: Defiant Russia pledges more Syria assistance

Moscow (AFP) - A defiant Russia on Thursday said it was ready to increase military support to Syria's Bashar al-Assad if needed, dismissing suggestions it could hamper Western efforts to fight Islamic State militants.

Washington has accused Moscow of solidifying its foothold in Syria, raising concerns it could throw a wrench in plans by the US-led coalition to step up operations against jihadists in the war-torn country.

The fresh tension erupted just weeks before the UN General Assembly in New York at which Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to speak.

Update: Weapons and words: Russia has a strategy in Syria -- Deutsche Welle

WNU Editor: Everyone in the region is taking notice on what Russia is doing. And while I do not think getting involved in Syria's civil war is in Russia's long term best interest .... for the moment they are not only eclipsing but also changing U.S. strategy and efforts in the region.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I think if there is any long-term point in interfering in Syria (aside from maybe getting to say that we helped stop ISIS while Americans were being less than effective) is to gain a bargaining chip we can milk for leverage in exchange for concessions elsewhere. Like "we rein in Assad if you rein in Poroshenko", "we give you Syria and you look the other way while we take over northern Azerbaijan". Stuff like that.