Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How Much Did The Iraq War Cost?

Charts: Bush Lowballed Us On Iraq by $6 Trillion -- Mother Jones

Ten years later, the Bush administration's projected price tag for the war in Iraq seems downright cute. According to the first-ever comprehensive count of the true toll of the combined wars, the estimate the administration used to sell the invasion in 2003 was about 100 times too low.

So what did that $6 trillion get us, exactly? Since we borrowed to pay for much of the war, we're facing nearing $4 trillion in cumulative interest between now and 2053, according to the 30 researchers who worked on the "Costs of War" report for Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

Read more ....

My Comment: I am usually not in agreement with Mother Jones, but they are making a good case on what the Iraq war will eventually end up costing the U.S. public.

And here is an even more sobering statistic .... this AP analysis makes the case that the cost of the U.S. wars in Iraq, Afghanistan will probably linger over 100 years.

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